Since backups help you insure against disasters leading to data loss, it is imperative that there is no shortfall in cover, when and where it is needed. Stone Ram offers an independent backup assessment that provides clear, concise feedback on the performance of your backup and recovery solution.

Management of enterprise backup environments can be a time and resource drain, particularly in complex or ageing IT environments. Sometimes IT staff do not thoroughly understand the complexity of an environment, and daily reactive tasks may not leave much time for proactive management. Stone Ram’s assessments drill down into your environment to accurately answer these questions:

  1. Do you have confidence that your backup solution would successfully recover your data?
  2. Are your backup and recovery SLAs fully covered?
  3. Is vital information protected by your backup?
  4. Is your backup infrastructure efficient?
  5. Are there better, more efficient, ways to meet your backup and recovery requirements?

Stone Ram analyses each layer of your solution, from the service layers at the surface to the configuration and properties of the installed components and through to the infrastructure components themselves, before providing you with a holistic report and recommendations.